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                DLP splicing enterprises accelerate the transformation to small spacing LED technology

                Author:Shanghai benru Electromechanical Equipment Co., Lt Click: Time:2021-11-14 13:58:15

                The dispute over the route of large screen engineering technology in the high-end command and dispatching center market has never stopped. DLP technology has always been an evergreen tree in the competition from DLP splicing to PDP splicing, LCD splicing and current small spacing led splicing products. However, since 2018, DLP splicing enterprises have accelerated the transformation to small spacing led, which may fundamentally change the "technical pattern" of the high-end command and dispatching center market.

                Transition to small spacing led, when enterprises are in progress

                The main leader in the domestic DLP splicing display market, two listed companies, Weichuang and GQY, have made great efforts to layout small spacing LED display products.

                In the financial report of the first half of 2018, Weichuang wrote that "for cob small spacing LED products, it further strengthened the key work such as market promotion and sample point construction, timely handled various problems found in project delivery, continuously improved product quality, won more users and consolidated its position as the leader in the sub market", "The small spacing LED market has maintained growth and the market coverage has gradually increased. The advantages of small spacing LED using cob new technology have been widely recognized and accepted by the market."—— The growth of small spacing LED product market has become one of the most critical sources of "expansion" for Weichuang as the leader of domestic high-end command and dispatching market.

                For GQY, another brand in DLP splicing industry, the business development significance of small spacing LED is even more extraordinary. The net loss from 2016 to 2017 for two consecutive years has exposed GQY to the risk of delisting, and achieving the full year loss recovery in 2018 has become a very core business goal. In the delisting risk prompt on October 31, GQY first mentioned that "in terms of large screen splicing in its main business, the company has made full efforts to the small spacing LED market, implemented the assessment of net gross profit of project sales, and gradually concentrated resources to favor advantageous projects." In its financial report for the first half of 2018, it wrote that "in the first half of 2018, the share of DLP technology in the new large screen splicing orders undertaken by GQY video was 57%, a decrease of 23 percentage points over the same period last year; while the share of small spacing led orders increased significantly to 40%, an increase of 33 percentage points over the same period last year, effectively hedging the impact of the decline of DLP orders."

                On the whole, DLP splicing industry examines the growth of small spacing LED products, and relying on the advantages of existing technology and market channels, it has become a major trend to go deep into the layout of small spacing led ultra-high end application market. In the high-end command and dispatching center market, the pattern of small spacing led and DLP splicing accounts for half of the country and mountain respectively is not far away.

                Technology upgrading, small spacing LED that breaks through the application limit

                In the small spacing LED products of Weichuang and GQY, a technical term "cob" is mentioned at the same time: in fact, it is this new technical scheme that enables DLP splicing enterprises to enter the small spacing LED display market.

                Cob technology is a small spacing led finished product technology based on chip level and large-scale overall packaging process. Compared with the usual surface pasting technology of three primary color lamp beads one by one, cob has significant advantages in visual comfort and reliability, and it is also easy to form a competitive advantage in point distance. The demand for comfortable viewing, high pixel density and high reliability is the "core demand" of the high-end command and dispatching center market.

                As early as 2016, Weichuang successfully introduced the application of cob small spacing LED products into the ultra-high-end engineering display market, realized the coordination and complementarity of "DLP splicing and cob led" on the command and dispatching display screen, and pointed out the direction for the further development of small spacing LED product market, the improvement of product application level and the upgrading of product technology experience. Over the past three years, Weichuang has always maintained a leading position in the application field of ultra-high-end small spacing LED display.

                With the success of Weichuang cob LED product market, more enterprises in the display industry realize that this may be a "key point for the transformation of industry pattern". Including professional LED screen enterprises, security display enterprises and other DLP splicing enterprises have accelerated their entry into this market. For example, in December 2017, GQY increased its capital to acquire 30% equity of Shenzhen Lampu Video Technology Co., Ltd., making full use of the small spacing LED market.

                For small spacing LED products, cob technology is not the "final form". Since 2018, with the concept of mini LED as the core, a new round of technology competition is under way. Since this year, many exemplary high-end LED display applications with small spacing have broken through the limit of 1.0mm in spacing index. The mini LED technology will support a new generation of display products with a minimum spacing of about 0.5, and will increasingly become a new favorite of R & D enterprises including DLP splicing, security monitoring and LED screen.

                In this regard, industry experts believe that there is not so much competition in product technology types in the market competition as "continuous technology upgrading" is changing the "application scenarios" of different display technology products. The transformation of Weichuang and other enterprises is the result of the joint action of multiple factors, such as the awe of technology, the attention to R & D and innovation, the grasp of the diversity of customer needs, the understanding of the core competition rules of the industry, and so on.

                Innovation is on the way, and the DLP splicing market is structurally upgraded

                Facing the market competition of cob led and other products, DLP splicing products are not completely passive. Industry experts believe that the core of market development is innovation, not technology. Mastering the golden key of innovation, the door of the market will always be opened at will.

                In the first half of 2018, Weichuang successfully launched a new generation of DLP display unit including three primary color laser light source, DLP display unit using ultra-high brightness LED light source, 80 inch display unit with brightness above 500nit and other brand-new products. Industry experts pointed out that laser, highlight, large size, 4K and ultra-thin are the main market innovation directions of DLP splicing. The first three technical points have achieved very good market results because they are close to customer needs.

                DLP splicing product is an evergreen tree in the video wall market of high-end command and dispatching center, and it is also the most reliable display technology with reliability and stability at present. Although the small spacing LED display has successfully entered the high-end command and dispatching center market, its main application also has the characteristics of "low end in high end". DLP splicing products still firmly grasp the voice and standard right of ultra-high-end market in the industry. In a sense, the current technological progress direction of cob LED is "getting closer to DLP splicing in performance".

                Therefore, on the one hand, the market of command and dispatching center has welcomed the share of LED display. On the other hand, due to the growth of the overall market, the industry status of DLP splicing has not been seriously challenged - the market characteristics of DLP splicing products are more "super high-end centralization", and DLP splicing products have sufficient technical reserves to continue to maintain their dominant position in this field.

                The high-end command and dispatching center is not only a "display" dispute

                "Of course, the most conspicuous equipment in the command and dispatching center is the large screen, but the knowledge behind the large screen is the greatest competitiveness." Industry experts pointed out that neither DLP splicing nor small spacing LED can represent the "essence" of the large command and dispatching screen.

                For example, since this year, Weichuang has successively released "Ark 4500 seat version of high-performance wall splicing processor", "easecon1000 upgraded version of seat management system in control room", "vismart V3.0, ultra-high-resolution visual command and dispatching software" and "small particle lightweight information visualization product - easy to see show". These products have both hardware and software, which together constitute an indispensable part of the whole large screen command system.

                At the same time, in the face of specific customer and industry needs, as a solution provider, the understanding, experience and execution ability at the customer business level are also important competitive levels: the more high-end projects, the more customers expect to find experienced brands to implement. This industry law can be called "sticky strategy". Large screen command and dispatching system and display technology, whether DLP splicing or LED display screen, are inseparable from the visualization scheme, signal processing hardware and seat management system behind it, and the ability to grasp the fundamental needs of customers and business details.

                "Control room visualization is a focal point, but we should also pay attention to the technological innovation of different product lines, such as display technology, signal technology and AI technology. We should have a divergent sense of breakthrough. The combination of the two is the overall picture of today's command and dispatching market competition." Industry experts believe that the role of the solution provider of the command and dispatching center can better reflect the essence of the industry than the role of a simple equipment supplier. This is also one of the unique advantages of Weichuang and other professional brands in this field.

                On the whole, the display technology of command and dispatching center has entered a new era of combining DLP splicing and small spacing led. More technology types enrich customers' choices, are more conducive to the construction of flexible application scenarios, and strengthen the competitive vitality in the industry. In this context, on the one hand, deepening the innovation and R & D of new technologies, including emerging display technologies, on the other hand, consolidating the role ability of comprehensive solution customization experts, is becoming a dual engine for the sustainable growth of many enterprises in DLP splicing industry.

                DLP splicing enterprises accelerate the transformation to small spacing LED technology
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