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                Importance of daily maintenance for DLP large screen

                Author:Shanghai benru Electromechanical Equipment Co., Lt Click: Time:2021-11-14 14:00:12

                With the rapid development of large screen splicing market, DLP large screen products have been more and more applied to many monitoring and command centers, enterprises, corporate offices and conference rooms, such as military, armed police, civil air defense, fire control, public security, transportation, water conservancy, electric power, earthquake, subway, environmental protection, coal, expressway, subway and so on; Education, banking, medicine, television, sports and other monitoring centers. As a high-end large screen display device, if it is not used well, it can not only prolong the service life of the product, but also better ensure its stable operation in normal work; On the contrary, if it is not used well, the service life of the product will be greatly reduced. How can I use it well? In fact, as long as you pay more attention to the daily maintenance of products, you can avoid many problems.

                Change your mind and start with problem prevention

                As we all know, the DLP large screen can make the operation of the product more stable and the service life longer only if it is maintained effectively from time to time. Therefore, we must carry out regular maintenance of the equipment in a planned way. Although it costs some expenses, it can effectively reduce the probability of equipment failure and greatly reduce the expenditure on repairing and replacing parts. This is also a way to save costs.

                Dust prevention is the first priority

                Due to the high temperature generated by the light when the DLP large screen works, and the working temperature of many devices in the unit is below 70 degrees, in order to solve the heat dissipation problem, many users will use air cooling to cool and dissipate heat. Although this can achieve a certain cooling effect, it is worrying that it will also bring dust in the air into the machine. The damage of dust to components is unimaginable.

                Therefore, once these dust are not cleaned in time, it will not only affect the heat dissipation of the machine itself, but also cause many adverse consequences, such as the decline of insulation capacity, the deterioration of projection effect, the decline of bulb service life, and the damage of circuits and other devices due to excessive temperature. Therefore, the regular maintenance of rear projection unit is a very important means to reduce the impact of fault rear projection unit on use and reduce maintenance expenses. Removing the dust accumulated in the machine is one of the main tasks of rear projection unit maintenance.

                In addition, users must be reminded not to think that the product can display images normally anyway, and there is no problem without maintenance. In this way, once you miss the golden maintenance time of the equipment, coupled with the invasion of dust, you will be troubled by the peak maintenance period, and a large number of maintenance costs will make you miserable.

                In order to avoid hidden dangers, the bulb should be replaced regularly

                Under normal circumstances, the bulbs of the rear projection splicing unit have a certain service life. After a certain period of use, the brightness of the bulbs will decrease significantly. At this time, you are reminded to change the bulbs. Because at this time, the bulb is very easy to explode. Once this happens, the loss of the bulb is a small thing. If the high-temperature heat-insulating glass is blown to pieces, it will be too much for the loss. So you must remember to check and replace the bulbs regularly to avoid accidents.

                In addition, it is worth reminding that the failure rate of the rear projection splicing unit lens is relatively high, and the damage of the polarizer in each group of lenses is the most common, most of which is the burn of the coating, and the burn of the coating on the polarizer is related to the poor heat dissipation of the machine and the high ambient temperature in the machine. Therefore, regular maintenance of the equipment is the key factor for the machine to work in a better environment.

                Importance of daily maintenance for DLP large screen
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