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                Development of DLP large screen: from seam splicing to seamless whole screen, laser screen has sprung up

                Author:Shanghai benru Electromechanical Equipment Co., Lt Click: Time:2021-11-14 14:01:31

                DLP is the abbreviation of "digital light processing", and its Chinese name is digital light processing technology. In short, the principle of DLP technology is to digitally process the image signal first, and then project the light. DLP technology is based on DMD (digital micromirror device), a digital micromirror developed by Texas Instruments (TI) to complete the display of visual digital information.

                DLP technology is mainly used in the field of DLP large screen. The so-called DLP large screen is a large screen composed of multiple DLP display units. The picture splicing is realized between each DLP display unit through the picture fusion tool. Therefore, DLP large screen is also called DLP splicing large screen.

                The biggest disadvantage of the large screen display system spliced by multiple DLP display units is that the large screen is physically spliced by multiple DLP display units. Therefore, there must be physical gaps between each DLP display unit that cannot be eliminated due to unit splicing, and the existence of physical gaps will inevitably lead to the unsatisfactory effect of the whole large screen display. Therefore, for large screen viewers, their direct visual perception is: the screen gap is obvious, the picture is seriously fragmented, the picture is not unified as a whole, and it is easy to be tired after watching for a long time. However, the sense of picture fragmentation caused by physical gaps has brought an extremely unfriendly experience to the overall vision.

                Especially when the DLP large screen is applied in the monitoring command center, business conference office and other scenes with high requirements for picture display, the DLP large screen has obvious seams and serious picture fragmentation, which brings greater challenges to its daily application.

                Therefore, aiming at the pain point of this industry, as a large screen display brand that has focused on the industry for many years, benru electromechanical has launched benru electromechanical laser screen products without splicing the whole screen after years of research and development and test. The main advantage of the laser screen is that compared with DLP splicing, the large screen is composed of multiple DLP splicing units. The electromechanical laser screen is only composed of a composite material with a complete and integrated non spliced tempered glass as the base material. The surface of the laser screen is complete and seamless, smooth as a mirror, the overall flatness and levelness are very good, and the picture viewing effect is better, At present, the maximum seamless screen size can reach 300 inches, which can meet the use of most monitoring and command, business meetings and other scenes.

                In addition to the characteristics of complete no seam, in fact, the electromechanical laser screen also has many other special advantages on the screen. First of all, the electromechanical laser screen tempered glass substrate has undergone professional light anti glare treatment. Because the whole screen has undergone strict strong light anti glare treatment, the interference of ambient light on the screen display is reduced, the clarity of the screen is improved, the screen reflection is reduced, and the image is clearer and more realistic. At the same time, the laser screen tempered glass substrate has a professional ink crystal material anti light layer on the surface, The ink crystal material has the ability to actively block and resist light under strong light. Therefore, even in complex light environment, benru electromechanical still has good display effect, and there is no need to deliberately create a dark environment like ordinary large screen products.

                It is also worth mentioning that as a leading brand in the industry, it is not only upgrading the screen, but also following the industry-leading technology in the selection of light source core of electromechanical laser screen. At present, benru electromechanical laser screen adopts a new generation of laser projector as the core of the light source. The laser light source not only increases its ultra-high lumen by 100% compared with the first generation brightness, which helps benru electromechanical laser screen have bright and vivid image quality performance in the high brightness environment in the daytime. At the same time, due to the characteristics of large wavelength selectivity and high spectral brightness of the laser light source, It can synthesize the color gamut coverage of more than 90% of the natural colors seen by human eyes. For example, the electromechanical laser screen realizes perfect color restoration, and the picture display is more realistic and natural.

                Based on the excellent level of benru electromechanical laser screen in hardware design, with the birth of benru electromechanical seamless laser screen products, at present, the laser screen has not only formed application demonstration in many fields, but also began to evolve in the direction of intelligence, in the application fields of emergency command, big data visual display and business conference display lamp, Ecological cross-border cooperation with upstream and downstream industrial chains. At present, more and more projects are being applied, such as the large conference video screen combined with electromechanical laser screen and video conference technology, the large cloud computing screen combined with cloud computing technology, and the large smart city data visualization screen linked with big data processing center.

                For example, in the smart city data visualization application scenario, the electromechanical laser screen has successfully applied data visualization management systems in industries such as government command center, aviation, traffic dispatching management, BIM construction management and so on. With the characteristics of the electromechanical laser screen, such as wide field of vision and prominent details, it complements the big data analysis and demonstration function in the practical application of data visualization scene. The vast amount of data visually ensures better viewing through the display of super large laser screen. Under the processing of visualization data software, Through the artistic expression of visual data graphics, the laser screen more intuitively shows the application system of "logical law" behind the 'phenomenon', which is more conducive to the deeper application and mining of multi-dimensional and massive data.

                Development of DLP large screen: from seam splicing to seamless whole screen, laser screen has sprung up
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